Building images

Available images are all present in the images submodule that can be checked with git as follows inside RF Swift root directory:

git submodule update --init --recursive

When entering the images directory, you can see different files and directory:

  • config: where configurations files are stored for specific tools;
  • Dockerfiles: Docker files to build images;
  • rules: some dev rules files specific to devices;
  • run: bash script we want to run;
  • scripts: installation scripts.

To build you own images, the important dicterories are scripts and Dockerfiles.

Making a custom image

So let say we want to cook a light images, for an RTL-SDR v4 device only, and just need GQRX tool, we can use the corebuild images reference at the begining of our Docker file:

FROM penthertz/rfswift:corebuild

To make the image be recognized by RF Swift, we need to use also the following labels:

LABEL "org.container.project"="rfswift"
LABEL ""="Super author" # optional

After that, you can put all function you want to install, but remember to update packages manager list first:

RUN apt-fast update # required before!

RUN ./ rtlsdrv4_devices_install && \
    ./ gqrx_soft_install

And voilà!

Do not hesitate to finish the Docker file cleaning stuff:

# Cleaning and quitting
WORKDIR /root/
RUN rm -rf /root/thirdparty && \
  rm -rf /root/rules/ && \
  rm -rf /root/config/ && \
  apt-fast clean
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Making your own installation function

Creating a source file

Installation functions are called by script inside RF-Swift/images/scripts directory.

The different installation function are included in some script files:

$ ls

If you want to create a new script file, and include it, you need also to include it in as follows:



Making functions

To make a function, you will then just need to call it as you whish, but something that could be practical and easy to copy for users such as:

function newsuper_soft_install() {
  // your code here

So you can then put any script you want, but do be efficient, we also provide you with some harness functions to make things easier

List of harness functions

Function Arguments Description
colorecho arg1: String Display text in blue
criticalecho arg1: String Display error in red and exit 1
criticalecho-noexit arg1: String Display error in red only
goodecho arg1: String Display text in green
installfromnet arg1: String In case an internet action is not working, this function will do 5 attempt to get resources
install_dependencies arg1: String for dependencies Function doing installfromnet ‘apt-fast install -y
grclone_and_build arg1: repo URL; arg2: destination directory, arg3: function installation name; arg4: build dir for cmake; arg5: git branch; next args*: cmake arguments Function responsible to install GNU Radio modules from GitHub
gitinstall arg1: repo URL; arg2: function name that calls it; arg3: branch Function that will fetch a git project
cmake_clone_and_build arg1: repo URL, arg2: cmake build directory; arg3: branch; arg4: reset commit, if necessary; arg5: function name that calls it; other args*: cmake args* Function that handles a cmake project from Git
check_and_install_lib arg1: library name to check; arg2: pkg config name Checks if library exist, and install it if not detected
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