

RF Swift can be configured on the fly, or using a profile configuration file for conveniency.

Profil configuration

Depending on your os, RF Swift will look for a profile configuration and ask you to create one if it is not found in the following path:


This file contains different sections and lines parameters for RF Swift as follows:

imagename = myrfswift:latest

shell = /bin/zsh
bindings = /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb,/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/run/dbus/system_bus_socket,/dev/snd:/dev/snd,/dev/dri:/dev/dri,/dev/input:/dev/input
network = host
x11forward = /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix
xdisplay = "DISPLAY=:0"
extrahost = pluto.local:
extraenv = ""

pulse_server = tcp:localhost:34567

In the general section, we have a imagename parameter which is the default image name of the container you want to create and run with command run. This parameters allows you to skip -i parameter for the command run.

In the container section:

  • shell: default shell to use in the container (e.g: bash/dash/zsh);
  • bindings: Allows to share files/directories from the host to host container;
  • network: network configuration mode (e.g: host/private/bridge/overlay/ipvlan/macvlan);
  • x11forward: extends bindings for X11 sharing between host and guest;
  • extrahost: host aliases binding with IPs;
  • xdisplay: environment variable dedicated to X11;
  • extraenv: extra environment variables you want to setup.

The audio section contains a parameter pulse_server which will setup the PULSE_SERVER environment variable to point applications to the right address of your pulseaudio server.

Parameters from CLI

You can also choose to modify any parameter when using the run command:

  rfswift run [flags]

  -b, --bind string          extra bindings (separate them with commas)
  -e, --command string       command to exec (by default: '/bin/bash')
  -d, --display string       set X Display (duplicates hosts's env by default) (default "DISPLAY=:0")
  -x, --extrahosts string    set extra hosts (default: 'pluto.local:', and separate them with commas)
  -h, --help                 help for run
  -i, --image string         image (default: 'myrfswift:latest')
  -n, --name string          A docker name
  -p, --pulseserver string   PULSE SERVER TCP address (by default: tcp: (default "tcp:")
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