Included tools

Included tools

RF Swift is still in active development so more tools will be expected, and will readapted for all architectures as possible.

RF Swift prebuilt images are compiled with tools you can discover in the next sections.

Here you will find images hierarchy:



Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
UHD tools and libs (need to enable/disable options) uhd_adc_self_cal | uhd_fft | uhd_rx_cfile | uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance | uhd_find_devices | uhd_rx_nogui | uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset | uhd_image_loader | uhd_siggen | uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance | uhd_images_downloader | uhd_siggen_gui | uhd_config_info | | uhd_usrp_probe uhd_devices_install
RTL-tools and libs (need to enable/disable options) rtl_biast | rtl_fm | rtl_sdr | rtl_test | rtl_adsb | rtl_eeprom | rtl_power | rtl_tcp rtlsdr_devices_install
libiio and libad9361 iio_adi_xflow_check | iio_attr | iio_genxml | iio_info | iio_readdev |iio_reg | iio_stresstest | iio_writedev ad_devices_install
Nuand tools and lib bladeRF-cli | bladeRF-fsk nuand_devices_install
HackRF tools and lib hackrf_clock | hackrf_debug | hackrf_operacake | hackrf_sweep | hackrf_cpldjtag | hackrf_info | hackrf_spiflash | hackrf_transfer hackrf_devices_install
Airspry tools and lib airspy_gpio | airspy_rx | airspyhf_info | airspy_gpiodir | airspy_si5351c | airspyhf_lib_version | airspy_info | airspy_spiflash | airspyhf_rx | airspy_lib_version | airspyhf_calibrate | airspy_r820t | airspyhf_gpio airspy_devices_install
LimeSDR tools and lib LimeQuickTest | LimeSuiteGUI | LimeUtil limesdr_devices_install
Funcube tools and lib funcube_devices_install
XTRX tools and lib xtrx_fft xtrx_devices_install
OsmoFL2K tools and lib fl2k_file | fl2k_tcp | fl2k_fm | fl2k_test osmofl2k_devices_install
SignalHound Spike Spike signalhound_spike_sa_device
SignalHound VSG60 vsg60 signalhound_vsg60_sa_device
Harogic Devices sastudio harogic_sa_device
RFNM rfnm_devices_install
LibreSDR B2x0 libresdr_swapfpga libresdr_b2x0_devices_install
pocketVNA pocketVNA ✅ (not by default) pocketvna_sa_device
For RTL-SDR v4, the rtlsdrv4_devices_install function can be used instead. For ANTSDR, use antsdr__devices_install


RTL-SDR in use

If the RTL-SDR is not available when using tools like nfc-spy, try blacklisting the device and restart the host after running this command:

echo "blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dvb_usb_rtl28xxu.conf

Troubleshooting with some devices


Using some distribution or system, the PlutoSDR will probably not show with iio_info -s command:

with backends: local xml ip usb
Unable to create Local IIO context : No such file or directory (2)
ERROR: Unable to create Avahi DNS-SD client :Daemon not running
Scanning for IIO contexts failed: Text file busy (26)

This can be fixed running avahi-daemon on your host if using Linux, or by running a daemon inside the container with following command :

avahi-daemon --no-drop-root --no-rlimits


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
GNU Radio gnuradio-companion | gnuradio-config-info | grcc gnuradio_soft_install
Common GNU Radio blocks common_sources_and_sinks
Soapy blocks and modules install_soapy_modules
SDR++ sdrpp sdrpp_soft_fromsource_install
retrogram /rftools/sdr/retrogram-soapysdr/retrogram-soapysdr retrogram_soapysdr_soft_install
kc908 SA GNU Radio blocks kc908_sa_device
LeoBodnar GPSDO v1 CLI /rftools/calibration/lbgpsdo/ leobodnarv1_cal_device
LeoBodnar GPSDO v2 CLI (lbe-142x) lbe-142x leobodnarv2_cal_device
GQRX gqrx gqrx_soft_install
URH urh | urh_cli urh_soft_install
inspectrum inspectrum inspectrum_soft_install
NanoVNASaver NanoVNASaver ❌ (fix needed installing PyQT6) NanoVNASaver_cal_device_call
NanoVNA-QT /rftools/calibration/NanoVNA-QT/run NanoVNA_QT_cal_device
KCSDI /rftools/calibration/Deepace/KCSDI-v0.4.5-45-linux-x86_64.AppImage KCSDI_cal_device
rtl_433 rtl_433 rtl_433_soft_install
Jupyter lab + notebook jupiter jupyter_soft_install
Atermis Artemis ❌ (needs Pyside6) artemis_soft_install
gqrx-scanner gqrx-scanner gqrxscanner_sdr_soft_install
gnsslogger gnsslogger gnsslogger_cal_device
soapy-rfnm soapyrfnm_grmod_install
LibreVNA LibreVNA-GUI ✅ (not installed by default) ✅ (not installed by default) librevna_cal_device
xnec2c xnec2c xnec2c_cal_device


GNU Radio Out-Of-Tree Modules

Tool(s) amd64 aarch64 riscv64
OOT – gr-gsm
OOT – gr_lora
OOT – gr_lorasdr
OOT – gr_iridium
OOT – gr_inspector
OOT – gr_uaslink
OOT – gr_X10
OOT – gr_gfdm
OOT – gr_aaoronia_rtsa
OOT – gr_ccsds
OOT – gr_ais
OOT – gr_dvbs2
OOT – gr_tempest
OOT – gr_dab
OOT – gr_dect2
OOT – gr_foo
OOT – gr_ieee802-11
OOT – gr_ieee802154
OOT – gr_rds
OOT – gr_droneid
OOT – gr_satellites
OOT – gr_adsb
OOT – gr_keyfob
OOT – gr_radar
OOT – gr_nordic
OOT – gr_paint
OOT – gr_pdu_utils
OOT – gr_sandia_utils
OOT – gr_timing_utils
OOT – gr_fhss
OOT – gr-aistx
OOT – gr-zwave_poore
OOT – gr-mixalot
OOT – gr_DCF77_Receiver
OOT – gr-j2497
OOT – gr-airmodes
OOT – gr-bb60_Receiver
OOT – gr_fosphor
OOT – gr-m17
OOT – gr-gr-net ❌ (missing libpthread for now)
OOT – gr-aoa
OOT – grc-orrectiq
OOT – gr-dsd
OOT – gr-nrsc5
OOT – gr-ntsc-rc
OOT – gr-nfc
OOT – gr-fosphor (only with GPU images)
OOT – gr-mer
OOT – gr-flarm


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
Nvidia OpenCL (to enable) ✅ (not activated) In the docker file
Intel OpenCL (to enable) ✅ (not activated) In the docker file
CyberEther cyberether cyberther_soft_install
SDR Angel sdrangel sdrangel_soft_fromsource_install
QSSTV qsstv qsstv_soft_install
Sigdigger SigDigger ✅ (but slow) ✅ (but slow) sigdigger_soft_install
ice_bluetooth ice9-bluetooth ice9_bluetooth_soft_install
Meshtastic SDR /rftools/sdr/meshtastic_sdr/ meshtastic_sdr_soft_install
gps_sdr_sim /rftools/sdr/gps-sdr-sim/ gps_sdr_sim_soft_install
nfc laboratory nfc-lab nfclaboratory_soft_install
Scikit-learn ml_and_dl_soft_install
pandas ml_and_dl_soft_install
seaborn ml_and_dl_soft_install
Tensorflow ml_and_dl_soft_install
Gpredict ml_and_dl_soft_install
v2verifier /rftools/sdr/v2verifier/ v2verifier_sdr_soft_install
wavingz /rftools/sdr/waving-z/build/ wavingz_sdr_soft_install
SatDump /rftools/sdr/SatDump/* satdump_sdr_soft_install
PySpecSDR /rftools/sdr/PySpecSDR/* satdump_sdr_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
proxmark3 /rftools/rfid/proxmark3/ proxmark3_soft_install
libnfc and tools nfc-barcode | nfc-list | nfc-read-forum-tag3 | nfc-emulate-forum-tag4 | nfc-mfclassic | nfc-relay-picc | nfc-jewel | nfc-mfultralight | nfc-scan-device libnfc_soft_install
mfoc mfoc mfoc_soft_install
mfcuk mfcuk mfcuk_soft_install
mfread /rftools/rfid/mfdread/ mfread_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
bettercap bettercap bettercap_soft_install
hcitools hciattach | hciconfig | hcidump | hcitool blueztools_soft_install
bluez tools blueztools_soft_install
mirage mirage mirage_soft_install
Sniffle with OpenDroneID encoder/decoder /rftools/bluetooth/Sniffle/ sniffle_soft_install
Kismet kismet kismet_soft_install
bluing /rftools/bluetooth/bluing/bluing/bin/ bluing_soft_install
bdaddr /rftools/bluetooth/bdaddr/bdaddr bdaddr_soft_install
WHAD whadup|wplay|wsniff|wfilter|wextract|wdump|wshark|wanalyze|winject|wserver|wble-central|wble-periph|wble-proxy|wble-spawn|wble-connect|wuni-scan|wuni-mouse|wuni-keyboard whad_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
iproute2 common_nettools
macchanger macchanger common_nettools
tshart tshark common_nettools
aircrack-ng airbase-ng | aircrack-ng | airdecap-ng | airdecloak-ng | aireplay-ng | airmon-ng | airodump-ng | airodump-ng-oui-update | airolib-ng | easside-ng | etc. aircrack_soft_install
reaver reaver reaver_soft_install
bully bully bully_soft_install
pixiewps pixiewps pixiewps_soft_install
eaphammer /rftools/wifi/airgeddon/eaphammer eaphammer_soft_install
airgeddon /rftools/wifi/airgeddon/ airgeddon_soft_install
wifite2 /rftools/wifi/wifite2/ wifite2_soft_install
sparrow-wifi /rftools/sparrow-wifi/ sparrowwifi_sdr_soft_install
krackattacks-scripts /rftools/wifi/krackattacks-scripts/* krackattacks_script_soft_install



Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
pycrate /telecom/pycrate/ pycrate_soft_install
CryptoMobile /telecom/CryptoMobile/ cryptomobile_soft_install
PySIM /telecom/SIM/pysim pysim_soft_install
sysmo-usim-tool /telecom/SIM/sysmo-usim-tool sysmoUSIM_soft_install
SCAT /telecom/scat SCAT_soft_install
SigPloit /telecom/2G/SigPloit SigPloit_soft_install
pysctp pysctp_soft_install
jSS7 /telecom/2G/jss7 jss7_soft_install

2G to 3G

Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
yatebts yate | yate-config | yate-qt5 yatebts_blade2_soft_install
OpenBTS /telecom/2G/OpenBTS/ ❌ (need tests with other compiler) openbts_uhd_soft_install
OpenBTS UMTS /telecom/3G/OpenBTS-UMTS/ ❌ (need to fix ASN part) openbts_umts_soft_install
OsmoBTS suite (including OsmoPCU + OsmoSGSN and others) osmo* tools with configs in /telecom/2G/osmocom/ osmobts_suite_soft_install

4G to 5G

Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
srsRAN 4G, 5G NSA /telecom/4G/srsRAN_4G/ srsran4G_5GNSA_soft_install
srsRAN 5G SA /telecom/5G/srsRAN_Project/ srsran5GSA_soft_install
Open5GS /telecom/5G/open5gs/ Open5GS_soft_install
UERANSIM /telecom/5G/UERANSIM UERANSIM_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
Can-utils candump | canplayer | cansend | cangen | cansequence | cansniffer | canlogserver | bcmserver | socketcand | cannelloni | cangw | canbusload | can-calc-bit-timing | canfdtest | etc. (see: canutils_soft_install
Cantact tools cantact cantact_soft_install
caringcaribou caringcaribou caringcaribou_soft_install
savvycan SavvyCAN savvycan_soft_install
gallia gallia gallia_soft_install
V2G Injector /automotive/V2GInjector/ v2ginjector_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
kataistruct kaitai-struct-compiler kataistruct_soft_install
unicorn unicorn_soft_install
keystone keytool keystone_soft_install
radare2 radare2 | radiff2 radare2_soft_install
ghidra ghidraRun ghidra_soft_install
binwalk binwalk binwalk_soft_install
binwalk v3 binwalkv3 binwalk_soft_install
cutter cutter_soft_install
LLVM tools LLVM_install
AFL++ afl-* AFL_install
HongFuzz honggfuzz honggfuzz_install
SemGrep semgrep semgrep_install
C++ check cppcheck* cppcheck_install
Clang static analyzer clang_static_analyzer_install
Qiling qiling_soft_install
ImHex ImHex imhex_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
Nmap nmap nmap_soft_install
Wireshark wireshark wireshark_soft_install
Metasploit msf (not tested) (not tested) metasploit_soft_install
Tshark tshark tshark_soft_install
impacket impacket Python3 modules impacket_soft_install
AutoRecon autorecon (not tested) autorecon_soft_install
Responder responder responder_soft_install
Kismet kismet kismet_soft_install
Bettercap bettercap bettercap_soft_install


Tool(s) Available commands amd64 aarch64 riscv64 Installation function
DSView DSView dsview_install
avrdude avrdude avrdude_install
flashrom flashrom flashrom_install
pulseview pulseview pulseview_install
openocd openocd openocd_install
dsl2sigrok dsl2sigrok dsl2sigrok_install
HydraNFC decoder (pulseview and DSView decoder) hydranfc_trace_plugin_install
arduino arduino (not yet) (not yet) arduino_ide_install
Saleae Logic 2 Logic-2 logic2_saleae_install
seergdb GUI seergdb seergdb_install
Last updated on