Sharing files

Sharing files

When using RF Swift for your assesment, you would like to retrieve the reports, logs, capture, or any file resulting the mission.

Let see with two examples how we can to it.

Binding directories


Sharing file between host and guest is possible throught the binding -b parameter when using run command.

First, create a directory you want to share with the guest on your host:

mkdir shared

Then you can simply use bindings when issuing the run command as follows:

rfswift run -i penthertz/rfswift:telecom -n supertelecom2 -b /home/user/shared:/root/shared
Remember to always begin with host, and then guest like that: hostpath:guestpath. And separate each binding with commas.

The container summary will display you the bindings that are used:

 🧊 Container Summary                                                      
│ Container Name  │ supertelecom2                                            │
│ X Display       │ :0                                                       │
│ Shell           │ /bin/zsh                                                 │
│ Privileged Mode │ true├─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Network Mode    │ host                                                     │
│ Image Name      │ penthertz/rfswift:telecom (Obsolete)├─────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Size on Disk    │ 11150.42 MB                                              │
│ Bindings        │ /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix,/dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb, │
│                 │                                                          │
│                 │ /home/user/shared:/root/shared                           │
│ Extra Hosts     │ pluto.local:                                  │
Some default profile bindings have been probably disabled. You can re-enable then with -b parameter of run command.

Running the command ls inside the container, you will see that a directory is present:

┌─[root@topms] - [~] - [Wed Sep 04, 13:46]
└─[$]> ls
config  scripts  shared

Let us go inside this shared directory and put a file inside:

┌─[root@topms] - [~] - [Wed Sep 04, 13:48]
└─[$]> cd shared 
┌─[root@topms] - [~/shared] - [Wed Sep 04, 13:49]
└─[$]> touch superfile

If you look on your host, the file will be present.

Example with Harogic devices

Sharing calibration data

Along with a Spectrum Analyzer and other stuff, Harogic provides a USB key where you can find a CalFile directory:

[Content of USB Harogic USB key]

To avoid any problem, let us copy this directory to the host side:

$ cp -R /media/fluxius/37B6-82D6/CalFile .
$ ls
build-windows.bat  CalFile  go  images  LICENSE  rfswift  rules  run  shared

And share it with a container based on sdr_light images:

rfswift run -i penthertz/rfswift:sdr_light -n harogictest -b <host/path/of/CalFile>:/rftools/analysers/SAStudio4_x86_64_05_23_17_06/bin/CalFile

Then you can run sastudio inside the container, and you get your Harogic device running:

Harogic device running with SaStudio
Harogic device running with SaStudio

Running SDR++ with Harogic

To run SDR++ with Harogic devices, you will need only to copy the CalFile in /rftools/analysers/SAStudio4_x86_64_05_23_17_06/bin/CalFile inside your container to /usr/bin that way:

cp -R /rftools/analysers/SAStudio4_x86_64_05_23_17_06/bin/CalFile /usr/bin

And then you can start SDR++ with Harogic, and voilà!

Running SDR++ with Harogic
Running SDR++ with Harogic


Dive right into the following section to get started:

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